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September 18, 2024

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What is the absolute best time of year to come fishing?

When I want to fish a new area, this is one of the first questions I ask. With guides or resort staff, I’ll ask what time of season they would recommend for a family member or close friend.

>> For the best time to fish Ucluelet <<

When receiving an answer to this question, sometimes you need to read between the lines. Some lodges built more than 20 years ago are in areas that currently have greatly reduced fish stocks, whether due to changes in migration patterns, ocean salinity levels, or over fishing.

But because of the need to continue business operations, prospective guests are sent brochures with pictures of fish caught 20 years ago…or during the peak season, which is often less than 3 weeks long.

How many river systems supply fish to your target area?
family with salmon fish

August 2023 – Miller group

What is the longest time a weather system has prevented you from effectively fishing your best areas?

Some people are surprised to discover that the warm, sunny days of summer can produce incredibly strong sea winds and terminate planned fishing expeditions. These high pressure systems can linger for days and make fishing less than comfortable. Conversely, low pressure can bring stormy weather lasting for 3-4 days, wiping out most of a fishing vacation.

At what point do you consider the water too rough to fish?

Much can be gleaned from the response to this question. It can also tie into some of the other questions. If the fishing destination is on a river, the answer will probably be: “We rarely have that problem”. (But then realize you are targeting only one run of fish.) If your destination is the ocean, and you receive this response, there are four possible reasons for this.

  1. Your prospective host is a bit of a daredevil and takes pride in the fact that the weather never keeps him off the ocean.
  2. You will be fishing from a boat so large that weather does not affect the fishing destination. Usually boats of this size are designed to fish large groups of up to 50 people.
  3. The fishing area is well protected, such as an inlet or group of islands. Trends in salmon runs, due to varying degrees of salinity throughout inshore waters, seem to indicate that inlets and well protected waters will only experience plentiful salmon numbers for a few short weeks each year. Of course there are exceptions, but lately I have found this to be a general rule.
  4. Your prospective host has so many holes in his schedule that missing a couple of days is no big deal for him.
What percent of your season brings repeat clientele?
halibut fishing

July,2023 – Whettel group

How many of your guests report that they ate all, or most, of their previous year’s catch?

This question can be asked in a light-hearted manner, but the answers can be very telling. There are two very important aspects of preserving the quality of your salmon or halibut. It might seem obvious, but what is the quality of the fish before you caught it? How is fish kept while on the boat?

Is the catch vacuum sealed and flash frozen in meal size portions? Catching lots of fish is great, but having 15 pound hunks of solid fish in the freezer can be a little daunting.

How much guiding experience does your least experienced guide have?

(Not fishing experience, guiding experience.) There is a big jump between experienced fishermen and qualified guides, but that’s another topic.  Fisherman love to talk about the days when they did well, but fishing guides have to produce every day no matter what the conditions are.

salmon fish catching
What is the FUN factor you try to achieve with every guest?

Let’s face it, even with the best laid plans, fishing is still fishing. Not every day is guaranteed to be picture perfect with the fish literally jumping in the boat. What is important, though, is having a great time with your guide enjoying the chase.