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Fishing has been good for Chinook, Coho and Halibut on Big Bank. The weather has been good which always lends a helping hand for getting out longer distances. Halibut fishing has been consistent and there are more medium to large halibut being taken on the troll this year and especially the past couple weeks.

Chinook fishing has been a little slower this year though there are enough around to keep fisherman happy. The average size of Chinook has been larger which is always a good thing. Outside South and Outside Lighthouse bank have had some good days though most of the catching as been at Big Bank.

There have been a ton of Coho on Big Bank–so much so that some days you have to devise ways of getting past them.

If you are still looking to come fishing let us know as we have a few scattered spots open. Both the afternoon and morning fishing should be good starting around August 8 in close to shore. Below are some photos of happy faces and fish!

group fishing charters

Brian Parkinson and Beverly O’Connor with a good haul of Chinook salmon August 12, 2020

fishing vacation packages

Matt Schemenauer and Jennifer Lang out for an afternoon August 13, 2020

fishing vacation packages

Daren and Shannon Kennett with a nice catch August 13, 2020

fishing vacation packages

Daren and Shannon Kennett with anotherĀ  nice catch August 14, 2020

fishing vacation packages

Larry and Colin Nowaczyk holding Chinook salmon August 14, 2020

fishing vacation packages

Daren Kennett holding 1 of a few lingcod caught August 15, 2020

fishing vacation packages

Megan Buckland holding up a Chinook caught in Florencia August 15, 2020

fishing vacation packages

Gates group with a couple nice Chinook and Vermillion caught the afternoon of August 16, 2020

fishing vacation packages

Larry and Colin Nowaczyk holding halibutĀ  August 17, 2020

deep sea fishing seattle

Jason Pederson and Christina Eastman with a catch of Chinook and Halibut August 17, 2020

deep sea fishing seattle

Chinook and Coho caught by guide Sam after a couple hours fishing August 18, 2020

group fishing charters

Coates group with a nice catch August 18, 2020

group fishing charters

A dinner of Coho salmon August 18, 2020. So good!

group fishing charters

Wintoniw group August 19, 2020