

What is Salmon Enhancement

What is Salmon Enhancement

The term “Salmon Enhancement” is used to describe many different actions taken by people with the general intent of increasing the number of wild salmon in the ocean. These actions can range from undertaking research, to directly assisting salmon during their reproductive, or spawning stage

Counting returning salmon in river

Counting returning salmon in river

One of the most basic, yet challenging, tasks for those involved with salmon enhancement efforts is to get an accurate count of the fish they are trying to help.

What came first? The salmon or the egg?

What came first? The salmon or the egg?

n order for hatcheries to have eggs to raise, they need to catch the adult salmon first. These fish are called brood stock, and they are collected in a number of different ways depending on the type of hatchery they will be used in. All brood stock needs to be collected when

What happens inside a hatchery?

What happens inside a hatchery?

After the often difficult, yet incredibly rewarding process of brood stock collection is complete and salmon enhancement workers have taken the eggs and milt needed from the adult fish – the fertilization and incubation phases can start. These actions take place within the hatchery and require a substantial amount of infrastructure and expertise to be successful.